5.524 in the Radio Frequency Table Allocation of Ireland.

Content Type
Additional allocation: in Afghanistan, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Cameroon, China, Congo (Rep. of the), Costa Rica, Djibouti, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Gabon, Guatemala, Guinea, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine*, the Philippines, Qatar, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Dem. Rep. of the Congo, the Dem. People’s Rep. of Korea, Singapore, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Togo and Tunisia, the frequency band 19.7-21.2 GHz is also allocated to the fixed and mobile services on a primary basis. This additional use shall not impose any limitation on the power flux-density of space stations in the fixed-satellite service in the frequency band 19.7-21.2 GHz and of space stations in the mobile-satellite service in the frequency band 19.7-20.2 GHz where the allocation to the mobile-satellite service is on a primary basis in the latter frequency band. (WRC-23)