5.460A in the Radio Frequency Table Allocation of Ireland.

Content Type
The use of the frequency band 7 190-7 250 MHz (Earth-to-space) by the Earth exploration-satellite service shall be limited to tracking, telemetry and command for the operation of spacecraft. Space stations operating in the Earth exploration-satellite service (Earth-tospace) in the frequency band 7 190-7 250 MHz shall not claim protection from existing and future stations in the fixed and mobile services, and No. 5.43A does not apply. No. 9.17 applies. Additionally, to ensure protection of the existing and future deployment of fixed and mobile services, the location of earth stations supporting spacecraft in the Earth exploration-satellite service in non-geostationary orbits or geostationary orbit shall maintain a separation distance of at least 10 km and 50 km, respectively, from the respective border(s) of neighbouring countries, unless a shorter distance is otherwise agreed between the corresponding administrations. (WRC-15)