5.226 in the Radio Frequency Table Allocation of Ireland.

Content Type
The frequency 156.525 MHz is the international distress, safety and calling frequency for the maritime mobile VHF radiotelephone service using digital selective calling (DSC). The conditions for the use of this frequency and the band 156.4875-156.5625 MHz are contained in Articles 31 and 52, and in Appendix 18.

The frequency 156.8 MHz is the international distress, safety and calling frequency for the maritime mobile VHF radiotelephone service. The conditions for the use of this frequency and the band 156.7625-156.8375 MHz are contained in Article 31 and Appendix 18.

In the bands 156-156.4875MHz, 156.5625-156.7625 MHz, 156.8375-157.45 MHz, 160.6-160.975 MHz and 161.475-162.05 MHz, each administration shall give priority to the maritime mobile service on only such frequencies as are assigned to stations of the maritime mobile service by the administration (see Articles 31 and 52, and Appendix 18).

Any use of frequencies in these bands by stations of other services to which they are allocated should be avoided in areas where such use might cause harmful interference to the maritime mobile VHF radiocommunication service.

However, the frequencies 156.8 MHz and 156.525 MHz and the frequency bands in which priority is given to the maritime mobile service may be used for radiocommunications on inland waterways subject to agreement between interested and affected administrations and taking into account current frequency usage and existing agreements. (WRC-07)